Never one to underestimate the power of guilt, peer pressure and ridicule as a motivating factor I’m using this blog to post recent sketches and WIPs in hopes I'll pressure myself into producing more.
However, since I'm mostly pushing spreadsheets instead of pixels these days, everything is done in my spare time. Which ranges from little to none. I also have to be careful not to post anything vaguely work-related until after the product ships, which eliminates nearly all of the art I do. So as time and ambition allows...
Mostly harmless. You'd think, considering my Picasa gallery that I would be an artist. After 13 years of art directing computer games, 6+ years ago I took a job at the best game company ever, ArenaNet (shameless suck up). This position evolved into the role of directing the art development and now I spend most of my time jumping back and forth between macro and micro levels of art development, liaising between departments, mediating and translating needs and priorities between the design and art departments, managing work flow as well as working with our out of house contract studios.
Wanna get in touch: Shawn(at)Arena.Net, Ssharp5 (at)Comcast(dot)Net
or Shawn(at)
Ok, this started out as a quick sketch that turned out looking like an Ewok. Then I thought, you know, if the Ewoks had flight harnesses and weapons...
I had a silly idea for monsters who think they have effectively disguised themselves as human. Sort of hearkens back to my hunting days when I was no doubt equally effective
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A WIP of a project that may, or may not, go any further. Turns out painting snow is a lot of fun.